For the Seach Engines

OK so I am reviewing my S *EO and learned that (thank you Squarespace?) none of the text or titles from images from the galleries of my site are getting picked up by the sea-ch engines based on their text, but they are sometimes picked up here from my blog, so normal readers please just ignore this post as its being used just to ensure people can find images of my works if they look for them.  Thanks!

And if you came here from a link from a search, please go ahead and explore these images and the rest of my site and get in touch if you are interested in ceramic head sculpture, bronze sculpture heads, or large outdoor sculpted heads and public art, or for that matter any ceramic sculpture figures or bronze figures too. :-)  Which not only enhances the creative workplace using art but also creates dynamic public art environments, urban renewal with art and contemporary cutting-edge living with art installations.  Oh yeah...


Ceramic Head Sculpture, Contemporary ceramic sculpture, wall-mounted sculpture

Ceramic Head Sculpture, Contemporary ceramic sculpture, wall-mounted sculpture

Ceramic head sculpture, work in progress,

Ceramic head sculpture, work in progress,

Interesting I hope to show the before-and-after shots of the ceramic head sculpture above -- the one on top with the flourescent band across the eyes is the same piece shown her as the sculpted clay head in progress, with another large clay head sculpture behind it.

These heads sculptures can also be table-mounted, pedestal-mounted head sculptures or mounted in a wall-mounted head sculpture installation as in the following image:

Wall-mounted head sculpture installation, contemporary figurative sculpture mask head sculpture multiples installed in Wynwood Miami at Port of Angels, a pop-up installation during Art Basel Miami 2015.     Wall-art inspired work…

Wall-mounted head sculpture installation, contemporary figurative sculpture mask head sculpture multiples installed in Wynwood Miami at Port of Angels, a pop-up installation during Art Basel Miami 2015.     Wall-art inspired works by Timmy Sneaks on left and BLikeMe on right.

These multiple contemporary head sculptures are wall-mounted in Wynwood Arts District during Art Basel 2015, bronze sculpted heads and contemporary bronze figures are also installed below.


Sculpted Hands, a hands sculpture installation of contemporary office design for creative workspace art installation.

Sculpted Hands, a hands sculpture installation of contemporary office design for creative workspace art installation.

Sculpture for office environments shown above, including multiple, contemporary office art decor, mobile installation for contemporary office, at Workpoint Stamford, contemporary office design and decor.

wall-mounted ceramic and bronze heads sculpture installation, artwork for a contemporary office space creative environment. 

wall-mounted ceramic and bronze heads sculpture installation, artwork for a contemporary office space creative environment. 

The above photo shows an installation of my bronze heads sculptures mixed with ceramic heads, in a contemporary office design environment, creating a dynamic creative office space through the use of art, design and sculpture for a contemporary public work environment.


Fierce, outdoor sculpture (cast aluminum) bronze head sculpture, public art sculpture figure 

Fierce, outdoor sculpture (cast aluminum) bronze head sculpture, public art sculpture figure


collaborative Sculpture installation, raku fired ceramic figures, head sculpture, standing figure sculptures, bronze head sculpture, art curators.

collaborative Sculpture installation, raku fired ceramic figures, head sculpture, standing figure sculptures, bronze head sculpture, art curators.

These are some of the works of hanging ceramic figures I have created in the foreground, along with a resin version of the large sculpted head (in this case cast resin) in the background, and several standing ceramic figures and bronze figure sculptures wall mounted as part of the installation, created in collaboration with other artists.  At the back is a lifesize figure sculpture, we will see in the next image.

Installation view at Whispering Voices, in Greenpoint Brooklyn, of our collaborative art project of great interest to curators and arts institutions showing standing figure sculptures, bronze figures, ceramic figures and a hanging lifesize female nu…

Installation view at Whispering Voices, in Greenpoint Brooklyn, of our collaborative art project of great interest to curators and arts institutions showing standing figure sculptures, bronze figures, ceramic figures and a hanging lifesize female nude figure sculpture (above) as well as wall-mounted head sculpture masks on the back wall.

The above collaborative installation includes wall-mounted head sculpture installations, wall-mounted figurative sculpture installation and several ceramic figures, raku-fired stoneware figures, ceiling-mounted hanging lifesize figure sculpture, bronze nude figure sculpture and mixed media collaborative installation of great interest to arts institutional curators seeking contemporary figurative sculpture, post-modern sculpted figures, human face and human head sculptures or other cutting-edge art and New York sculpture or Brooklyn sculptor figurative artists.